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OBJECTIVES:To organize and mobilize good will citizens national and international around the 2003 wrongful, illegal conviction imprisonment of Carmen Rice. We are asking the state authorities Attorney General Alan Wilson and Solicitor Byron Gipson to look at the EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE and initiate a DNA Forensic on Iris Bryant cousin who was her accomplice the night they robbed and murder the victim. And release Carmen Rice immediately. To hold John Mobley and Representative Christopher Hart accountable for violating Carmen Rice Constitutional Due Process Rights. They never disclosed the exculpatory evidence To hold state prosecutors John Meadows and Theodore Lupton accountable for violating Carmen Rice Constitutional Due Process Rights. We asking the South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson to investigate all past sentencing by John Meadors and Theodore Lupton and to create a Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) to re-examine questionable convictions and guard against future error.

THE CASE: As of today, Carmen Rice has been illegally detained in South Carolina Department of Corrections for a crime that she never committed. Her case is a gross egregious miscarriage of injustice Wrongful Conviction. Carmen Rice was picked up by Richland County police department in November 2003. The state main witness Iris Bryant who premeditated the murder/robbery with her cousin (see exculpatory evidence)written a false statement on Carmen as being her accomplice. Note that this was a closed case. The actual murder/robbery happened in October 2001. In July 2003 Nathaniel Hallman asked to get his sentence reduced for giving information about a murder/robbery that happened in October 2001. See [exculpatory evidence]. You will find that Carmen Rice name is never mentioned in Nathaniel Hallman sworn affidavit. Iris Bryant made it clear to him when she was telling him what happened that it was her cousin as being the accomplice to this crime and shot the victim. Another [exculpatory statement] was written by Lamont Bostic which outlined the criminal character of Iris Bryant. His statements outlined a long history of Iris Bryant and her cousin dropping drugs in victims drinks and robbing them. Carmen Rice defense attorney’s Representative Christopher Hart and John Mobley failure to disclose these [exculpatory evidence] to her and the court jurors, they failed to subpoena Nathaniel Hallman, his friend Troy Stevenson who was with him the night of the murder when he picked up Iris Bryant and Lamont Bostic denied Carmen Rice to a Fair Trial which is a Constitutional Right.

ABOUT CARMEN RICE Carmen Rice was a working single mother rearing her five years old son and taking care of her sick father in November 2003 when Richland County police arrested her. Carmen Rice never received a traffic citation. Carmen Rice has a kindred spirit and a heart of gold that she shares with all that she encountered.

WRONGFUL CONVICTION EVIDENCE The evidence to support Carmen Rice EXONERATION is the facts in Nathaniel Hallman sworn testimony [exculpatory statements], and Lamont Bostic sworn testimony. Every persons in Nathaniel Hallman statements should have been subpoena. In addition, Carmen Rice was tested twice in DNA Forensic. Both times-NO MATCH. Investigation report reveals that there was Forensic on back seat and front seat. Why didn’t Carmen Rice defense attorneys Christopher Hart and John Mobley request for Iris Bryant cousin be arrested and initiated an DNA TESTING? The forensic evidence would have matched the cousin and a innocent single mother would not have had to go through 21 years of HELL… A DNA FORENSIC EXAMINATION would automatically EXONERATE Carmen Rice. The facts detailed in Nathaniel Hallman and Lamont Bostic statements is EXONERATION evidence because it was never disclosed. Court transcripts stated that the two females height was around 5’6-5’7. Carmen Rice is and been 4’11 her entire adult life. Carmen Rice has never been in a pool hall before and never met nor knew the victim. The only evidence the state had to illegally convict Carmen Rice is Iris Bryant and others convicted inmates that the state coerced them into writing a false confession on Carmen Rice. Carmen Rice didn’t know any of those people and her attorneys failed to object those false statements. Iris Bryant was known for working for Richland County Sheriff department as an informant busing local drug dealers. The U.S.Supreme Court stated in Giglio v. U.S. that deliberate deception of a court and jurors by the presentation of known false evidence is incompatible with rudimentary demands of justice; the same result obtain when the state although not soliciting false evidence, allows it to go uncorrected when it appears. Although the state had enter into a plea agreement with this witness (Iris Bryant) the state, in its opening argument, told the jury no such agreement existed…The State deal to their informant, main witness Iris Bryant was a [Non-violent crime] less than 6 months in prison… We talking about a criminal with her cousin who premeditated this crime. Her cousin was never questioned, arrested nor tested for DNA FORENSIC… Carmen Rice judicial process she did not received due process…


 For all good will people who believe in Justice pass this CALL TO ACTION ON and let US in SOLIDARITY DEMAND THE RELEASE OF CARMEN RICE… 21 YEARS AS OF TODAY SHE HAS BEEN IMPRISONED FOR A CRIME THAT SHE DID NOT COMMIT. IN SOLIDARITY… Let US remember our great leader Dr Martin Luther King quote” Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” This quote was written when he was in Birmingham, Alabama jail April 16,1963. They arrested him for fighting for Social Justice… In the Spirit of Dr Martin Luther King and other Freedom Fighters like him JOIN this Social Justice Movement with us….

GET INVOLVED… CALL TO ACTION! For all good will people who believe in Justice pass this CALL TO ACTION ON and let US in SOLIDARITY DEMAND THE RELEASE OF CARMEN RICE… 21 YEARS AS OF TODAY SHE HAS BEEN IMPRISONED FOR A CRIME THAT SHE DID NOT COMMIT. IN SOLIDARITY… Let US remember our great leader Dr Martin Luther King quote” Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” This quote was written when he was in Birmingham, Alabama jail April 16,1963. They arrested him for fighting for Social Justice… In the Spirit of Dr Martin Luther King and other Freedom Fighters like him JOIN this Social Justice Movement with us….

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